Table of Contents
A Diagnostic Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Difficulties in Solving TIMSS Model Mathematics Test | |
Munaji Munaji, Al Jupri | 1-19 |
The Effect of Contextual Learning Trough Teaching Materials Application-Based on Problem Solving Ability | |
Ismi Zakiah, Heris Hendriana, Wahyu Hidayat | 20-30 |
Interactive Media Development Using Microsoft Sway in Elementary Level Learning Circle | |
M Gita Primaniarta, Wiryanto Wiryanto | 31-44 |
Comparative Study of Indonesian Students' Mathematical Literacy Abilities with Other Countries in Terms of PISA Type HOTS | |
Deby Nurqamar, Iyan Rosita Dewi Nur | 45-56 |
Description of Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills for Vocational High School Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Cantika Putriani, Indrie Noor Aini | 57-68 |
Student Responses in Distance Learning at Muslim University Maros and STKIP Paris Barantai Kotabaru | |
Nirfayanti Nirfayanti, A. Muhajir Nasir | 69-83 |
Primary School Students’ Computational Thinking in Solving Mathematics Problems Based on Learning Style | |
Ajeng Rara Veronica, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Wiryanto Wiryanto | 84-96 |
Development of Two-Dimentional Geometry Module based on APOS Theory for 4th Grader Students | |
Dewi Trisnawati, Kristi Liani Purwanti, Ahmad Faridh Ricky Fahmy | 97-108 |
Development of contextual brochures in learning mathematics to improve student learning outcomes and creativity | |
Sirojudin Wahid, Nely Naelatul Izza | 109 – 118 |
Comparison of Fuzzy Time Series Chen and Cheng to Forecast Indonesia Rice Productivity | |
Herlinda Nurafwa Sofhya | 119 – 128 |