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Author Guidelines
EduMa: Mathematics education learning and teaching uses an online submission platform. This system enables authors to trace the progress of their manuscript submission and speeds up the article’s processing time. For the initial stage, authors must conform to our guidelines (see the manuscript structure). Manuscripts that do not comply with the guidelines will be rejected.
General Guidelines
- All submissions are done online via
- All first-time users must first register themselves as Authors. Please click on the register button at the top of this page and enter the requested information They will then receive a username and password to log in and submit their journal. Please click the login button on the left and log in to the system as "Author." You may then submit your manuscript and track its progress through the system.
- Information on the peer-review process can be viewed here.
- Every manuscript submitted to EduMa will be scanned using Turnitin (similarity check). Plagiarism tolerance should be under 20 percent.
- Articles have not been published in journals or other publishing media or are in the process of publishing in other journals.
- Articles are the result of research or conceptual study.
- Articles are written in English or Indonesian.
- The Guidelines and framework of the article cover:
Article Guidelines
  1.  Manuscript Formatting:- Article Title: Capitalize Each Word; Font Century Schoolbook, 14 + Bold
- Authors: Author names without academic degrees, Font Century Schoolbook 12
- Affiliation: Institution of origin, Department, Institution [Century Schoolbook 8]
- Corresponding author: Mailing Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Country. Email addresses: [Times New Roman 8]
 2. Â
Abstract:- The abstract in the English language should be written in one paragraph.
- Original translation, not copy-paste from translator applications.
- Less than 250 words.
- Include background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. [Century Schoolbook 9]
3.  Keywords:List 1-5 keywords separated by comma [Century Schoolbook 9]
  4.  Article Citation:How to cite: Last Name, A1., Last Name, A2., & Last Name, A3. (Year). Title of Article. Journal Title, Volume (Issue), Page Range. doi: [Century Schoolbook 8]
5.  Article History:- Received: MM DD, YYYY
- Accepted: MM DD, YYYY
- Published: MM, YYYY [Century Schoolbook 8]
 6.  Copyright:EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching, Copyright © 2023 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
7.  Sections of Manuscript frameworks:Introduction [Century Schoolbook 11]
Use Century Schoolbook font, 11 pts, space 1
Literature Review/Theoretical Frameworks (if applicable) [Century Schoolbook 11]
Use Century Schoolbook font, 11 pts, space 1.
Methods [Century Schoolbook 11]
- Population and Sample
- Research Design
- Framework Flow
- Use Century Schoolbook font, 11 pts, space 1.
Data Collection and Analysis
- Clearly describe the research design, site, and participants.
- Explain the data collection and analysis procedures.
Present findings systematically with supporting quotations, examples, tables, and diagrams.
    Figures and Tables
- Numbered consecutively; provide detailed legends.
- Tables: Use space 1, 11 pts.
Result and Discussion [Century Schoolbook 11]
- Description of test results and data analysis.
- Use Century Schoolbook font, 11 pts, space 1.
Conclusion and Implication [Century Schoolbook 11]
- Conclusion: Summarize key findings.
- Implication: Discuss theoretical and practical significance; suggest further research.
Disclosure Statement
Provide a conflict of interest statement.
Acknowledge contributions, avoiding author identification prior to peer review. Â
- Endnote, Zotero, or Mendeley is strongly recommended.
- Follow APA citation style.
Note: Ensure compliance with font, spacing, and citation format throughout the manuscript. Manuscripts not adhering to these guidelines may be returned for correction before review. For a more detailed template please check on Article Template.
Copyright Notice
To be accepted and published by EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching author(s) submitting the article manuscript should complete all the review stages. By submitting the manuscript, the author(s) agreed to the following terms:
1. EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching is granted a specific permission to publish the articles. Authors also retain the right to use their articles for other purposes. These articles are protected under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, allowing others to use, distribute, and modify them with proper attribution to the original authors.
2. Authors are encouraged to share their articles in any manner permitted by the Creative Commons license applied to the articles in EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching. Additionally, authors are granted the right to use their articles for any lawful purposes without requiring written permission from EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching, provided there is proper acknowledgment of the initial publication in this journal.
3.  Users/public use of this website will be licensed toÂ

EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.