Table of Contents
Profile of Hard skills and Soft skills of Mathematics Education Students | |
Tri Nopriana, Siska Firmasari, Bambang Avip Priatna Martadiputra | 1 –13 |
Designing a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Based on Investigative Learning | |
Charina Ulfa, Ariyadi Wijaya, Habibullah Habibullah | 14 – 26 |
Development of Social Arithmetic Teaching Materials with Islamic Characters on 7th Grader Students | |
Ega Gradini, Siti Rahma Mulyani, Asnawi Asnawi | 27 – 38 |
Strategy on The Effectiveness of Learning Outcomes of Manufacturing Calculus Using Edlink in The Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Adi Jufriansah, Agnesia Bergita Anomeisa, Kartini Rahmanisa | 39 – 48 |
Android-Based Media Development in Mathematics Lessons | |
Ulfi Firdayati, Darwan Darwan, Hadi Kusmanto | 49 – 59 |
Development of Integer Number Learning Devices Using Moluccas Local Wisdom | |
Christina M Laamena, Theresia Laurens | 60 - 70 |
Rearrangement of The Song Suwe Ora Jamu Using Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Ratio | |
Aliyatul Marzuqoh, Toheri Toheri, Indah Nursuprianah | 71 – 82 |
Development of Geometry Test Based on Van Hiele's Theory in Exploration Profile of Student's Spatial Reasoning Ability Level | |
Komala Komala, Budi manfaat, Arif Abdul Haqq | 83 – 97 |
The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Students' Mathematical Disposition | |
Nurma Izzati, Widyastuti Widyastuti | 98 – 106 |
Analysis of Islamic Value in Learning Mathematics Era 4.0 | |
Bayu Mukti Abdullah, Budi Murtiyasa, Djalal Fuadi | 107 – 116 |