Table of Contents
Comparison of Problem Based Learning and Guided Discovery Learning in Terms of Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability | |
Elwan Stiadi, Amanda Pradhani Yanwar | 1 – 9 |
Development of Web-Based Interactive Learning Media on Quadratic Equation Materials | |
M. Zainul Arifin, Abd. Qohar | 10 – 23 |
The Effectiveness of the ASSURE Learning Model Assisted by Google Classroom in Improving Students' Mathematical Literacy in Transformational Materials | |
Reza Oktiana Akbar, Zaituni Zaituni | 24 – 34 |
The Influence of Implementing Realistic Mathematics Learning Model on The Mathematics Learning Outcomes | |
Alvi Sahrin Nasution, Wirna Arifitriana, Rizky Febriani Pohan | 35 – 44 |
Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics Using Uno Math Media | |
Ahmad Lutfi, Husnul Khatimah Rusyid, Ahmad Mukhibin, Mochamad Abdul Basir | 45 – 54 |
Multimodal Interactive Flipbook Arias Model-Based for Critical Thinking Skills | |
Arie Anang Setyo, Muhammad Ruslan Layn, Ba’diana Adil Lestari | 55 – 62 |
Analyzing Students' Cognitive Process of Mathematical Problem Solving for Mathematical Literacy | |
Setiyani Setiyani, Nurul Ikhsan Karimah, Trusti Hapsari, Sri Sumarwati, Turini Erawati, Try Suprayo | 63 – 76 |
The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on RME For the Topic Circle in Junior High School | |
Ahbi Mahdianing Rum | 77 – 89 |
Analyzing Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Set Theory: A Case Study of Seventh-Grade Students | |
Christina Monika Samosir, Tatang Herman | 90 – 97 |
Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) Approach to Mathematical Problem Solving Ability at MA DDI Alliritengae | |
Erna wati, Pertiwi Indah Lestari, Dedy Setyawan, Siti Aminah | 98 – 114 |