ISSN:2502-5309 (online) 2086-3918 (print)
DOI Prefix: 10.24235/eduma by Crossref
Editor in Chief: Widodo Winarso
Managing Editor: Arif Abdul Haqq & Sirojudin Wahid
Publisher: Tadris Matematika IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Country: Indonesia
Subject Category: Mathematics Education
Indexed: Sinta | Garuda
Citation Analysis: Scopus | Dimensions | Google Scholar
Frequency: 2 issues per year (July and December)
EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching is a distinguished journal dedicated to the dissemination of research outcomes, developmental initiatives, studies, and innovative ideas within the realm of Mathematics Education. Published biannually in July and December, EduMa is spearheaded by the Department of Tadris Matematika at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. This journal serves as a platform open to the public, welcoming a diverse audience, including researchers, academics, practitioners, and observers of mathematics education.
EduMa's primary focus is on promoting high-quality research and scholarly contributions that significantly contribute to the advancement of Mathematics Education. Through a rigorous review process, the journal ensures the credibility and excellence of the published content. The Department of Tadris Matematika's collaboration underscores the commitment to bridging the gap between academia and practical application in the field of mathematics education.
As a testament to its dedication to openness and accessibility, EduMa encourages wide public access to its content. This aligns with its mission to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and foster collaboration within the mathematics education community.
In summary, EduMa: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching stands as a reputable journal committed to advancing the field of Mathematics Education through the publication of cutting-edge research, development initiatives, and innovative ideas. Its commitment to collaboration, openness, and excellence positions it as a valuable resource for researchers, academics, practitioners, and observers in the field of mathematics education.
EduMa follows a rigorous and double-blind anonymous peer review process. The journal offers open access to its content and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly works.
If you have any questions, please contact us through our online administration at

Announcement: Volume 12 No 2 issue |
We welcome submissions to Volume 12 No 2 issue. Topics covered include: please click here Deadline and submission details The submission deadline for all full papers is 31 Oct 2023. To submit your research, please visit here. Contact the Chief Editor and Associate Editor for an early discussion or expression of interest in |
Posted: 2023-07-13 | |
More Announcements... |
Vol 13, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Trend Analysis of Character Education in Mathematics Learning in Indonesia Over A Decade | |
Yuni Fitriyah, Wahyudin Wahyudin, Turmudi Turmudi, Hanifah Nurhayati, Fitria Maghfiroh | 115 – 130 |
Rasch Model Analysis: Validity and Reliability of Context-Based Geometry Performance Assessment Instruments Jakarta Cultural Heritage | |
Bayu Gunawan, Wardani Rahayu, Tian Abdul Aziz | 131 – 144 |
Mathematical Communication Skills and Mathematical Curiosity Students with intellectual disabilities: Bibliometric analysis | |
Arif Muchyidin, Nanang Priatna, Nurjanah Nurjanah | 145 – 164 |
Exploring Grade VIII Students' Procedural Skills in Solving Pythagorean Problems | |
Ade Riska Sanjani, Achmad Salido, Akbar Nasrum, Chairuddin Chairuddin, Jahring Jahring, Dian Ulfa Sari | 165 – 182 |
Integrating Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Mathematics Education: Development of Learning Tools for Patterns and Number Sequences | |
Ega Gradini, Edy Saputra, Novita Rahmayanti | 183– 195 |
Implementation of H5P-assisted Teaching Materials on Mathematical Understanding Based on Learning Style | |
Arif Abdul Haqq, Hendri Handoko, Anita Syafianti | 196 – 208 |