Model Pengembangan Kurikulum PAI di MTsS Al-muslim Peusangan
(1) IAIN Lhokseumawe
(2) Universitas Islam Kebangsaan
(3) Universitas Islam Kebangsaan
(*) Corresponding Author
The development of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum in general education
focuses more on cognitive aspects than affective and psychomotor aspects, while at the
Amuslim Integrated Islamic Boarding School the development does not only focus on
cognitive aspects but also on affective and psychomotor aspects. This study aims to
determine the model of PAI curriculum development at MTsS Almuslim, the
implementation of the PAI curriculum at MTsS Al-Muslimand the inhibiting and
supporting factors in developing the PAI curriculum at MTsS Almuslim. In this study,
the researcher used the type of research, namely qualitative research with the formulation
of the problem, namely how to model the development of the PAI curriculum at MTsS
Almuslim? How is the implementation of the PAI curriculum at MTsS Almuslim? What
are the inhibiting and supporting factors in MTsS Almuslim? The results of the research
are: First, the model of curriculum development for Islamic Religious Education at
MTsS Al-Muslimuses the Darussalam Gontor curriculum model which is modified with
the Al-MuslimIntegrated Islamic Boarding School curriculum model. Second, the
implementation of the field of study in Islamic Religious Education at MTsS Al-Muslimis
very dependent on the sincerity of the teacher, the ability of the teacher to deliver the
material, the ability to choose and apply learning methods, and utilize existing media
tools for successful learning. The implementation has also been divided into 3 forms of
implementation such as the implementation of the Hafiz Qur'an Program,
Implementation of Islamic Religious Education subjects in the classroom and outside
the classroom (Extracurricular) such as Tajiyiz mayit, congregational prayers, sunnah
fasting, performing Hajj, commemorating major holidays. Islam. Third, regarding these
supporting and inhibiting factors at MTsS Almuslim, if you look at the supporting
factors at MTsS Almuslim, it is very supportive in terms of needs such as media tools,
comfortable classroom conditions, very strategic places, students living in the school
environment. If you look at the inhibiting factors, it is only the student sector who gets
tired easily due to the ineffective use of time.
Keywords: Curriculum, Islamic Religious Education (PAI), Islamic Boarding School
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DOI: 10.24235/tarbawi.v8i2.13136
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