Table of Contents
Cognitive Anxiety and Habits of Mind: A Study of the Interrelationships with Biology Learning Outcomes | |
Ilma Riksa Isfiani, Bambang Ekanara | 94-106 |
Reconstruction of Community Knowledge in the Process of Making Potato Dodol Kerinci on the Criteria of Product Halalness Using Ethnoscience Approach | |
Indah Kencanawati, Lia Angela | 107-118 |
Learning Biology Through the Ethnoscience-PBL Model: Efforts to Improve Students' Scientific Thinking Skills | |
Lia Sania Nur Haulia, Sri Hartati, Asrianty Mas'ud | 119-129 |
BioMagz with an Approach to Socio-Scientific Issues as a Learning Resource to Learn Environmental Change Materials to Improve Scientific Literacy | |
Aditya Kusuma Dewi, Yuyun Maryuningsih, Mujib Ubaidillah | 130-141 |
Analysis of Science Generic Skills in Animal Respiration Practicum: Is it Improved Through Guided Inquiry-based Learning? | |
Trya Adi Nur Destryani, Ria Yulia Gloria, Dede Cahyati Sahrir | 142-153 |
Fluid Learning with Arduino-Based on Engineering Design Process (EDP) to Improve Student's Problem Solving Ability | |
Ratih Eka Maryati, Anna Permanasari, Didit Ardianto | 154-162 |
Analysis of Understanding Concepts and Mastery of Basic Competence of Thermochemistry Materials Post Use of Chemlovers Media | |
Puji Ningrum, Ariyatun Ariyatun | 163-174 |
Ethnoscience in Learning Science: A Systematic Literature Review | |
Raudhatul Jannah, Festiyed Festiyed, Yerimadesi Yerimadesi, Lufri Lufri, Sandijal Putra | 175-184 |
Critical Thinking Skills Using Science Technology Religion Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STREAM) Approach on Ecosystem Materials | |
Muhammad Hasymi Mujaddi, Tri Wahyu Agustina, Sri Maryanti | 185-193 |
Developing Atlas of Ficus Plant Morphology Based on Local Potency of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park as Botany Learning Material in the College | |
Ummul Hasanah, Murni Saptasari, Dahlia Dahlia | 194-209 |