Vol 7, No 2 (2018)

December (2018)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24235/sc.educatia.v7i2

Table of Contents


The Utilization of Coconut Water Waste As a Growth Media of the In-Vitro Potato Cutting PDF
Hafsan Hafsan, Muhammad Khalifah Mustami, Masriany Masriany, Isna Rasdianah Aziz, Mustakim Mustakim 108-116
Developing Two-Tier Essay for Diagnostic Test Instrument to Identify Student Learning Difficulty PDF
Bagas Abiyyu Pratama, Bambang Subali, Pratiwi Dwijananti 117-128
The Effectiveness of Simulation Methods on Prospective Teachers’ Professionalism in Science Learning PDF
Muhamad Jalil 129-145
The Potential of Local Wisdom on Traditional Fishing (Tangkul) Gear in Lake Sipin Jambi City as a Science Learning Source PDF
Jufrida Jufrida, Fibrika Rahmat Basuki, Dwi Risky Pratiwi 146-158
The Effectiveness of Bioentrepreneurship Learning Using Comics on the Sub Concepts of Angiosperms for High School Students PDF
Yuliana Putri, Ria Yulia Gloria, Asep Mulyani 159-172
Thyroid Nodule Inspection as Consideration for Surgery PDF
Yuliana Yuliana 173-182
Developing Practicum Module of Particle Dynamics Based on Scientific Methods to Improve Students' Science Process Skills PDF
Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti, Indra Yahdi Putra, Yoga Budi Bhakti 183-196
Traditional Biotechnology Content as a Media in Engaging Students with System Thinking Skills PDF
Tri Wahyu Agustina, Nuryani Rustaman, Riandi Riandi, Widi Purwianingsih 197-217

Front & Back Matter

Front & Back Matter Volume 7 (2): December 2018 PDF