Implementation of Behavioristic Counseling Guidance Model to Improve Student Behavior Discipline In Islamic Elementary Schools

Mareyke Jessy Tanod(1*), Syarif Sumantri(2), Fasli Jalal(3),

(1) Jakarta State University
(2) Jakarta State University
(3) Jakarta State University
(*) Corresponding Author


Behavioral counseling is one technique of theory-based therapy, behavior-focused learning in-demand individuals and helping counselees learn to act in-demand new to solving problems through action-oriented techniques. The subjects in this study were ten Islamic elementary school fifth-grade students identified as having low discipline. The data was obtained from the documentation on the card violation students recommended by the guidance counselor at school. Discipline-level students have seen many score rule violations in schools on the card violation student. The higher the score rule violation in school, the lower-level discipline students obey the school rules. On the contrary, more and more low score violations against the rules of the school, then the higher level discipline students in obeying the school rules. This research aims to test the implementation of counseling group behavior in helping increase discipline students in obeying Islamic elementary school rules. The data collection method used in this study is the test. This research is a pre-experimental design study with a one-group pre-test and post-test design model. The subjects in this study were ten fifth-grade Islamic elementary school students with current levels of discipline until low adherence to the school rules. The data analysis technique used in this study is a non-parametric analysis using the sign test with a level of 5% significance. Results of data analysis obtained that there is influence from application counseling group behavior for increase discipline students in obeying the rules school in fifth-grade elementary school students.

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DOI: 10.24235/sicee.v1i0.14824

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