Implementasi Filsafat Idealisme menurut Pestalozzi dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SD/MI
(1) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
The principles of the philosophy of idealism contain aspects, including macro and micro aspects of metaphysics. Apart from that, there is an idealist axiological aspect, namely that values are eternal and universal. In education, it manifests itself as a curriculum, namely a hierarchy whose peak is occupied by scientific disciplines. Pestalozzi as an idealist has an integrative concept of education which consists of 3 aspects: physical, intellectual and moral. The type of research in this article uses descriptive qualitative methods in an interpretive manner, using the philosophical theory of idealism and the Pestalozzi principles. Then combined with analyzing the practice of learning mathematics that has been done. This article explains the implementation and examples of how these 3 aspects of education can be implemented in mathematics learning with various forms of activities.
Keywords: Idealist philosophy, Pestalozzi, physical aspects, intellectual aspects, moral aspects, learning mathematics
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DOI: 10.24235/sicee.v1i0.14584
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