Vol 12, No 1 (2023)

June 2023

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24235/sc.educatia.v12i1

Table of Contents


Learning Motivation of Science Education Students on Biochemical Learning Outcomes: Profile and Correlation PDF
Dea Santika Rahayu, Setia Rahmawan, Ayu Lestari, Ismun Nisa Nadhifah, Paskalia Pradanti 01-11
Exploring Students’ Perspective on Using Online Collaborative Platform in Biology Laboratory Work PDF
Rizqa Devi Anazifa, Suratsih Suratsih, Paramita Cahyaningrum Kuswandi, Anggi Tias Pratama 12-24
Innovative Strategies in Science Education: Implementing the POE Model to Enhance Elementary School Students' Science Process Skills PDF
Reni Ramdayani, Kurnia Marifatul Latifah, Yurniwati Yurniwati, Taofik Taofik 25-37
Development of Digital Teaching Documents Based on Problem Based Learning to Improve Students' Science Process Skills on Mammal Class Material
Sugeng Mashabhi, Shanty Savitri, Elga Araina, Ririn Fahrina 38-50
Implementation of Scientific Approach in Reducing Student Misconceptions on Energy Matter PDF
Muhammad Amran Shidik, Lidwina Felisima Tae 51-65
Unveiling the Potential of Rhizosphere Bacteria from Plumeria acuminata Tree as Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria PDF
Diajeng Ukhty Mahirro, Triastuti Rahayu 66-76
Profiling the Preservice Biology Teachers’ Teaching Orientations: Challenges of 21st Century Learning PDF
Listiani Listiani, Aidil Adhani 77-88
How is Kamishibai are able to Construct Students' Environment Literacy? PDF
Irvan Permana, Annisa Nurramadhani, Najla Nurul Amalia 89-97