Table of Contents
The Effectiveness of Write-to-Learn Social-Oriented-Scientific-Issues on Students’ Critical Thinking and Argumentation Skills | |
Rahma Yuliyani, Asep Mulyani, Nurul Azmi, Edy Chandra | 01-11 |
Ecoliteracy of Junior High School Students in Science Lesson on Environmental Pollution Theme | |
Sri Paryanti, Indarini Dwi Pursitasari, Bibin Rubini | 12-19 |
Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students in Science Learning | |
Yanih Maryani, Prasetyorini Prasetyorini, Irvan Permana | 20-28 |
Development of the Religious Values Model to Improve Learning Outcomes of the Digestive System Subject | |
Nurika Nurika, Edy Chandra, Asep Mulyani | 29-39 |
The Effectiveness of Science Learning Research Skills: A Meta-Analysis Study | |
Ipin Aripin, Topik Hidayat, Nuryani Rustaman, Riandi Riandi | 40-47 |
Teacher’s Competencies in Designing Lessons to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes | |
Indah Faridah, Wahidin Wahidin, Ria Yulia Gloria | 48-56 |
Profile Students Critical Thinking Skill on Reproductive System Materials | |
Dewi Hayatu Nupus, Ading Pramadi, Asrianty Mas'ud | 57-63 |
Development of Student Worksheets Based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) on Climate Change Materials for Junior High School Students | |
Meli Ameliawati, Ading Permadi, Meti Maspupah | 64-73 |
Application of Teaching Material Science of SETS-Oriented to Increase the Ability of Science Literacy Junior High School Students | |
Ninda Yera Setyo Nainggolan, Bambang Subali, Sukiswo Supeni Edi | 74-82 |
Instagram Assisted Portfolio Assessment to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skills | |
Irkhamni Abdillah, Kartimi Kartimi, Ria Yulia Gloria | 83-96 |