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Author Guidelines

A. General Instructions

  1. Provisions for writing manuscripts in the OASIS Journal The scientific journal of Islamic Studies refers to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition.
  2. Authors are expected to download and use the template provided
  3. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English using good and correct grammar rules. Manuscripts in English are generally in the past tense
  4. Manuscripts written in English or by authors whose native language is not English, must be sent to the English Editor first to check the English grammar
  5. Manuscripts are written in MS Word format with A4 page size (210 x 297 mm), two-column format with the simplest possible text layout. It is recommended to only use the writing facilities provided in MS Word (bold, italics, subscript, superscript, equation, etc.).
  6. Citations use the bodynote system (the author lists the source of the quotation directly after the completion of a quotation) without using footnotes or endnotes
  7. All text section titles in the manuscript are written using Arial font and the contents of the manuscript use Times New Roman.
  8. The length of the scientific manuscript should be around 70,000 words or approximately 13-22 pages, including accompanying images, graphs and tables (if any).
  9. Images and tables are only to explain things that are not easily explained in the text. Please ensure that the quality and size of the images presented are sufficient to produce good print quality.

B. Specific Instructions

  1. Terms in foreign languages or regional languages in the text are written in italic format.

  2. Literature review is not included as part of the manuscript structure. Thus, citations of literature that are considered important can be integrated in the introduction or in the discussion.

  3. Citations of literature in the discussion are only as necessary and the most important thing is the discussion of the results of the data analysis found by yourself.

C. Format/Structure of Contents and Systematics of Manuscripts

The contents and systematics of the written manuscript are presented narratively using an essay format in paragraph form, and do not use a detailed chapter systematics such as a thesis/dissertation (without numbering in front of the sub-title) and must contain the following components:


The title should be concise and clearly describe the contents of the writing. You may use a creative title that attracts readers (maximum 14 words). The location of the research is described in the methods section, not mentioned in the title. Titles are often used in information retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulas if possible. The title is written in English and Indonesian.

2.Author Name and Affiliation

Write the author's full name without a title, the institution where the author works/studies, and the author's correspondence address (e-mail).


Written in English and in Indonesian. Single-spaced, maximum 250 words containing among others: hypothesis, research subject, method and results.


The main words in research can be taken from research variables, characteristics of research subjects, and the theories referred to (minimum three words or a combination of words).


Describe the background of the problem, objectives and benefits of the research, theoretical studies, and end with a hypothesis (max. 20% of pages). Contains; (a) an explanation of the latest developments in the field of science being researched, the arguments of which are supported by the results of primary and current literature reviews; (b) an explanation of the gaps; (c) the researcher's arguments in closing the gaps as a promise of research contribution to the development of science; and (d) an explanation of the research objectives.


Contains variable identification, research participants (please write that participants have signed Informed Consent or a statement that the research has met research ethics), research instruments, and research methods including statistical analysis techniques used (maximum number of pages 20%). Contains an explanation of everything that is actually done by the researcher in conducting the research clearly as if giving other researchers the opportunity to replicate or verify their research. Avoid definitions quoted from books.

7.Result and Discuss

The research results consist of descriptive statistics, assumption test results, and hypothesis test results which are then analyzed critically (max. 20%) presented sequentially or in an integrated manner. The presentation of the results section contains the results of the data analysis. If there is a table/chart/picture, it contains a presentation of the analysis results that are already meaningful and easy to understand quickly. The table/chart/picture does not contain raw data that can or must still be processed.

Explanation of the research results, associated with the results of previous studies, critically analyzed and associated with relevant current literature (max. 30-40% of pages). The discussion section contains substantial meaning to the results of the analysis and comparison with previous findings based on the results of relevant, current and primary literature reviews. The comparison should lead to differences with previous research findings so that it has the potential to state a contribution to the development of science. The discussion ends with the formulation of conclusions and suggestions.

8. Conclusion

The content of the conclusion is the answer to the research objectives, not a summary of the research results. Conclusions and suggestions are made concisely, clearly and concisely based on the results and discussion (max. 1 page), made in paragraph form (not numerical), containing research findings as a synthesis between the results of data analysis and discussion results, and highlighting new things that contribute to the development of psychology.

9. Reference

Write a bibliography that is a reference alphabetically and chronologically. The Bibliography is a Reference List (Reference) not a Bibliography, so it must contain all sources referred to in the Manuscript, and does not need to contain sources that are not referred to. The reference list contains everything referred to in the text that comes from sources that are; (a) relevant, (b) at least 80% up-to-date (last 10 years), and (c) at least 80% primary, especially from journal Manuscripts.

The following are examples of writing a bibliography;

a)Example of writing a journal without a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Jiajing, G. (2007). Designing an ESP course for Chinese University Students of Business. The Asian ESP Journal, 3(1), 107.

b)Example of writing a journal with DOI

Lepetit, D., & Cichocki, W. (2003). Teaching Languages to Future Health Professionals: A Needs Assessment Study. The Modern Language Journa, 86(3).

c)Example of writing a magazine manuscript

Chamberlin, J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May). Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5). 26-29.

d)Example of writing an online magazine script

Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor on Psychology, 39(6). Diunduh dari: tanggal 10 Agustus 2012.

e) Examples of unpublished thesis or dissertation 

Rimawati, A. B. (2010). Model teoretik prasangka sosial. (Disertasi tidak dipubli­kasikan). Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

f)Example of writing references from books

Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Molins, J. V. (2006). Ibn Khaldun: The Mediterranean in the 14th Century: Rise and Fall of Empires. (N. G. Mill¡n, Ed.). sevilla: Fundacin Jos© Manuel Lara..

D. Manuscript Format Templates can be downloaded here

E.Consideration of whether a manuscript is accepted or not

The Editors have provided the following criteria to assist authors in preparing good article submissions:

Originality - Authors should ensure that the manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration by another journal.

Plagiarism - Content should be properly referenced. Be sure to check the article for possible unintentional plagiarism. Some free plagiarism checker sites include:, and

Writing If the manuscript is in English, please write the manuscript in good English (the use of American or British English is acceptable, but a mixture of the two is not allowed). For non-English speakers, please note that grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation of the text are very important for effective presentation. Therefore, the manuscript is expected to be written clearly, convincingly, and easily understood by national and international readers.

NOTE: To avoid unnecessary errors in the citation system, you are strongly advised to use the Mendeley application to help you in creating a reference list.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


Copyright Notice

Authors whose manuscripts are published agree to the following provisions:

1. Publication rights for all journal manuscript materials published/published on the OASIS E-Journal site Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Islam is held by the editorial board with the knowledge of the author (moral rights remain with the author of the manuscript).
2. Formal legal provisions for access to digital articles in this electronic journal are subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license, which means that the OASIS Journal Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Islam has the right to store, transfer media/format, manage in the form of a database, maintain, and publish articles without asking permission from the Author as long as the Author's name is listed as the Copyright owner.
3. Manuscripts published/published in print and electronically are open access for educational, research, and library purposes. Apart from these purposes, the editorial board is not responsible for violations of copyright law.



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered into this journal site will be used solely for the purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.