Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI

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Vol 11, No 2 (2024): October 2024

This issue has been available online since 30th October, 2024. All articles in this issue (15 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 57 authors from 4 countries (United Kingdom, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia).

Table of Contents


Parents' Perceptions and Actions on Digital Safety of Elementary School Students PDF
Hamdan Husein Batubara, Ruruh Sarasati, Amalia Risfianti, Selfi Dewi Rahmawati 214- 228
Is the Problem Based Learning Using Media Puzzle Effective on Students' Mathematical Connection Ability? PDF
Linda Indiyarti Putri, Gilar Pandu Ananta, Imam Syafa'at 229 - 239
Collaborative Efforts in Transitioning from Pre-School to Elementary School for Positive Educational Foundation PDF
Rahma Yulista Amanda, Reni Pawestuti Ambari Sumanto 240 - 257
Development of Ethnomathematics-based Hybrid Learning Model Using a Cybergogy Approach to Improve Mathematical Proficiency of Prospective Elementary School Teachers PDF
Muhammad Fendrik, Zariul Antosa, Gustimal Witri, Rahmat Rizal Andhi 258 - 272
Developing a Comprehensive Assessment Tool for Elementary Students’ Scientific Literacy PDF
Hafiziani Eka Putri, Fitri Nuraeni, Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa, Ravy Hun, Salis Elmadani 273 - 285
Enhancing Students Lower Mathematics Cognitive Ability Using Multi-Representation Discursive Model Assisted by Realistic Mathematics Education Approach in Elementary School PDF
Tri Yuliani, Shely Cathrin 286 - 299
Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Numeracy Literacy Problems of Graph Representation Model in Elementary School PDF
Intan Sari Rufiana, Slamet Arifin, Mohammad Yusuf Randy, Fierda Nursitasari Amaliya 300 - 319
The Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Interactive Multimedia Google Sites on Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Elementary School PDF
Galih Yoga Pradana, Rif'at Shafwatul Anam, Neni Mariana, Ika Tri Yunianika 320 - 336
Is TPACK-Based Academic Writing Guidebook Effective to Improve Linguistic Competence of Preservice Elementary School Teachers? PDF
Karimatus Saidah, Rian Damariswara, Endang Sri Mujiwati, Gafarudin Fauzi Maluana 337 - 347
Empowering Student’s Creativity Through Pixton Integrated Project Based Learning in Elementary School PDF
Aynin Mashfufah, Candra Utama, Esti Untari, Novia Siska Puspita Sari, Moh. Alif Hidayatulloh 348-358
Development of Smart Apps Creator (SAC)-Based Android Application Learning Media to Improve Students' Understanding of Islamic Education Materials in Elementary Schools PDF
Ani Nur Aeni, Nurdinah Hanifah, Rahimah Rahimah, Ahmad Arifuddin 359-372
Microlearning Instructional Design with Process Approach for Improving Early Reading Skills of Prospective Elementary School Teachers PDF
Bagus Cahyanto, Titis Angga Rini, Evi Rizqi Salamah, Muhammad Ali Rohmad 373-385
Implementation of Teaching Materials Containing Majalengka Local Wisdom to Improve Ecoliteracy in Elementary Schools PDF
Devi Afriyuni Yonanda, Dudu Suhandi Saputra, Irma Sofiasyari, Islahuddin Islahuddin, Devita Cahyani Nugraheny 386-394
Development of the Ethnomathematics-Based Mathematics Teaching Materials to Improve Conceptual Understanding of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in Lombok, Indonesia PDF
Naili Lumaati Noor, Eva Luthfi Fakhru Ahsani, Awwalina Ainurrokhimah, Muhamad Miftah Farid 395-409
Improving Elementary School Students' Essays Writing Skills by Using The Brainwriting Learning Model Assisted by Storybird PDF
Tiana Dara Lugina, Prana Dwija iswara, Asep Saefudin, Arie Rakhmat Riyadi 410-418