This issue has been available online since 30th October, 2024. All articles in this issue (15 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 57 authors from 4 countries (United Kingdom, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia).
Table of Contents
Parents' Perceptions and Actions on Digital Safety of Elementary School Students | |
Hamdan Husein Batubara, Ruruh Sarasati, Amalia Risfianti, Selfi Dewi Rahmawati | 214- 228 |
Is the Problem Based Learning Using Media Puzzle Effective on Students' Mathematical Connection Ability? | |
Linda Indiyarti Putri, Gilar Pandu Ananta, Imam Syafa'at | 229 - 239 |
Collaborative Efforts in Transitioning from Pre-School to Elementary School for Positive Educational Foundation | |
Rahma Yulista Amanda, Reni Pawestuti Ambari Sumanto | 240 - 257 |
Development of Ethnomathematics-based Hybrid Learning Model Using a Cybergogy Approach to Improve Mathematical Proficiency of Prospective Elementary School Teachers | |
Muhammad Fendrik, Zariul Antosa, Gustimal Witri, Rahmat Rizal Andhi | 258 - 272 |
Developing a Comprehensive Assessment Tool for Elementary Students’ Scientific Literacy | |
Hafiziani Eka Putri, Fitri Nuraeni, Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa, Ravy Hun, Salis Elmadani | 273 - 285 |
Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Numeracy Literacy Problems of Graph Representation Model in Elementary School | |
Intan Sari Rufiana, Slamet Arifin, Mohammad Yusuf Randy, Fierda Nursitasari Amaliya | 300 - 319 |
The Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Interactive Multimedia Google Sites on Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Elementary School | |
Galih Yoga Pradana, Rif'at Shafwatul Anam, Neni Mariana, Ika Tri Yunianika | 320 - 336 |
Is TPACK-Based Academic Writing Guidebook Effective to Improve Linguistic Competence of Preservice Elementary School Teachers? | |
Karimatus Saidah, Rian Damariswara, Endang Sri Mujiwati, Gafarudin Fauzi Maluana | 337 - 347 |
Empowering Student’s Creativity Through Pixton Integrated Project Based Learning in Elementary School | |
Aynin Mashfufah, Candra Utama, Esti Untari, Novia Siska Puspita Sari, Moh. Alif Hidayatulloh | 348-358 |
Development of Smart Apps Creator (SAC)-Based Android Application Learning Media to Improve Students' Understanding of Islamic Education Materials in Elementary Schools | |
Ani Nur Aeni, Nurdinah Hanifah, Rahimah Rahimah, Ahmad Arifuddin | 359-372 |
Microlearning Instructional Design with Process Approach for Improving Early Reading Skills of Prospective Elementary School Teachers | |
Bagus Cahyanto, Titis Angga Rini, Evi Rizqi Salamah, Muhammad Ali Rohmad | 373-385 |
Implementation of Teaching Materials Containing Majalengka Local Wisdom to Improve Ecoliteracy in Elementary Schools | |
Devi Afriyuni Yonanda, Dudu Suhandi Saputra, Irma Sofiasyari, Islahuddin Islahuddin, Devita Cahyani Nugraheny | 386-394 |
Development of the Ethnomathematics-Based Mathematics Teaching Materials to Improve Conceptual Understanding of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in Lombok, Indonesia | |
Naili Lumaati Noor, Eva Luthfi Fakhru Ahsani, Awwalina Ainurrokhimah, Muhamad Miftah Farid | 395-409 |
Improving Elementary School Students' Essays Writing Skills by Using The Brainwriting Learning Model Assisted by Storybird | |
Tiana Dara Lugina, Prana Dwija iswara, Asep Saefudin, Arie Rakhmat Riyadi | 410-418 |