Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Factual Problems in Elementary School

Muammar Muammar(1*), Megawati Megawati(2),

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This research is motivated by the low speaking ability of students in elementary schools. Five of the 32 students could speak, while the rest could not. This study aims to train students' speaking skills with various factual issues in their lives as objects of speech. Real problems are intended, such as: Don't Snack Haphazardly; School Environment Hygiene; Please, Don't Smoke Here, and Water. This type of research is qualitative research. The researcher becomes the key instrument. Research setting in Class V SD Negeri 2 Beleka. Source of data from teachers and students. Data collection procedures through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis, which consists of three paths: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The validity of the data is done by extending the observation time and testing it with triangulation. The results showed that (1) with various factual issues as objects of speech, all students were able to convey questions and responses to these various factual issues; (2) students can ask simple questions and simple responses, such as: (a) are there any side effects of random snacks? There is. The disease is diarrhea; (b) why should school cleanliness be maintained? If we don't keep the school environment clean, there will be lots of mosquitoes; let there be no germs or disease; so as not to get dengue fever; (c) is smoking healthy? No, because it spreads disease; and (d) what happens without water? Without water, we cannot carry out our daily activities. In this way, training students' speaking skills through factual issues in their lives with discussion learning strategies can improve students' speaking skills intensively.

Keywords: speaking ability, factual issues, elementary school

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DOI: 10.24235/sicee.v1i0.14554

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