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Munculnya kecenderungan baru dalam pemikiran Pendidikan IPS kea rah pengembangan nilai, moral dan sikap nampaknya masih tetap memandang arti penting peraihan pengetahuan. Dan pengetahuan adalah sebagai produk program Pendidikan IPS. Aksentuasi Pendidikan IPS sebagai ilmu pengetahuan tentang kualitas social, memang tendesius pada matra kognitif. Sungguh pun pengetahuan itu sendiri intergral dalam multi dimensionalitas akativitas belajar manusia. Kontruksi pengetahuan dalam Pendidikan IPS mensubstansikan didalamnya dimensi-dimensi dan fungsi-fungsi apeksi dan konasi. Dalam perspektif pengetahuan ini pula, status dan peran konsep sangat sentral dan strategis. Konsep sebagai muatan pemintal strukturisasi konstruk pengetahuan dalam Pendidikan IPS da balok- balok bangunan pengetahuan IPS. Konsep juga merupakan komponen structural program Pendidikan IPS, yang merangkum kompleksitas informasi dan fakta social dalam program rasional, structural dan secuensial. Melalu konsep pengetahuan dan ekspetasi diri peserta didik terhadap kehidupan manusia, khasanah dan kedalaman pengalaman hidupnya akan lebih sistematis. Konsep sebagai suatu keniscayaan dalam belajar Pendidikan IPS. Melalui konsep, siswa dapat menyerap pengetahuan kependidikan IPS lebih terstruktur, bermakna dan fungsional, belajar lebih aktif, serta memberikan kemantapan latar pengetahuan mereka terhadap realitas masyarakat yang setiap harinya mereka temui dan alami. Konsep juga sebagai alat berfikir kritis, kreatif dan inkuiri. Komponen ensesial dalam proses pengambilan keputusan reflektif, elemen dasar seluruh aktivitas refleksi bagi peraihan tujuan-tujuan Pendidikan IPS, serta pendekatan dalam pebelajaran Pendidikan IPS disekolah lanjutan.
Kata Kunci      : Pengembangan awal konsep, dan teori pembelajaran siswa.
The emergence of new trends in social studies education thinking towards the development of values, morals and attitudes still seem to still consider the importance of the acquisition of knowledge. And knowledge is a product of the IPS Education program. The accreditation of IPS education as a science of social quality is indeed a tendency in the cognitive dimension. Even though knowledge itself is integrated in the multi-dimensionality of human learning activities. The construction of knowledge in social studies education substitutes in it the dimensions and functions of apeksi and konasi. In this knowledge perspective too, the status and role of concepts is very central and strategic. The concept as a spinning load structuring knowledge constructs in IPS education and building blocks of IPS knowledge. The concept is also a structural component of the IPS Education program, which summarizes the complexity of information and social facts in rational, structural and sequential programs. Through the concept of knowledge and self-expectations of students on human life, the treasury and depth of life experience will be more systematic. The concept as a necessity in learning IPS education. Through concepts, students can absorb social education knowledge in a more structured, meaningful and functional way, more active learning, and provide the stability of their knowledge background to the realities of society that they encounter and experience every day. The concept is also a tool for critical thinking, creative and inquiry. The ensuing component in the reflective decision-making process, the basic elements of all reflection activities for the achievement of the objectives of Social Studies, as well as the approach in social studies education in secondary schools.
Keywords: Early development of concepts, and student learning theories.
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DOI: 10.24235/ijee.v2i1.6713
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Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education (IJEE) Published by Department of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
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