Current Polarization: Religion and Sexual Wellbeing for Earning Equal Rights for Sexual Health and Reproductive Rights in Indonesia

Novi Nur Lailisna(1*),

(1) IAI Badrus Sholeh Kediri
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia has presented the Law (UU) on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS), which was ratified by the People's Representative Council (DPR) on 13 April 2022. The TPKS Law is a complete, fair and formal basis for victims of sexual violence. In fact, sexual health and reproductive rights is a basic human right, so it must be recognized, protected, and everyone must be ensured to get it. This paper is conducted for answering question: what is the stories and its meaning about religion and sexual wellbeing for earning equal rights for sexual health and reproductive rights in Indonesia? Applying narrative research, this study has lived experiences of individuals and groups related to religion and sexual wellbeing. As the research result, the researcher concluded that whatever cases found, if there is contestation and polarization in the societal or political dynamics around this, there are probably two positions visible. One position can be called progressive and the other conservative. It could also be framed as secular and religious; and or pro-choice and pro-family. There may be certain language in context for showing and framing actors who disagree on issues of sexuality and gender. Polarization dynamics tend to make two positions visible.

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DOI: 10.24235/equalita.v5i1.13559

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