(1) IKIP PGRI Madiun
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In the Indonesian language there is one type of sentence, that sentence inversion. Inversion sentence is sentence structure subject precedes predicate function (P-S). Based on the results of data analysis, there are several types of sequence patterns syntactic function contained in the phrase inversion Indonesian namely (1) PS, (2) POS, (3) P-Pel-S, (4) PO-Pel-S, (5) PS with Specification, (6) POS with Description, (7) P-Pel-S with the description, and (8) PO-Pel-S with a description. Also there are different types of sentences in the sentences Indonesian inversion which consists of: (1) sentence declarative inversion which is divided into two types of patterns that can be converted into the S-P and type that can not be converted into P-S; (2) The inversion of interrogative sentences are divided into two inversions interrogative sentences that require yes or no answers and inversion interrogative sentences that require answers explanatory; (3) sentence inversion imperative which is divided into two inversions imperative sentences with active diathesis and passive sentences with inversion imperative diathesis; and (4) the sentence exlasamative.
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DOI: 10.24235/ileal.v1i2.607
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