Ahmad Zaeni(1*),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
(*) Corresponding Author


This article aims to discuss the analytical model of Maqasidi's interpretation of verses about the state according to Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah has produced institutional tafsir books such as Tafsir At-Tanwir. One of the interpretation products is the interpretation of verses about the state which has given birth to the concept of Da>r al-'Ahd wa al-Syaha>dah, by making the values of mercy and moderation the orbit of interpretation while taking into account current and contemporary conditions. This kind of interpretation is a product of the maqashidi approach which actualizes the values of the Qur'an for the benefit of contemporary conditions. This study is urgent, because Muhammadiyah is one of the largest organizations in the world, the uniqueness of its maqashidi interpretation model is a moderation contribution in itself. The method used to construct the Muhammadiyah-style Maqashidi Tafsir model regarding state verses consists of the inductive)and the content analysis method. The results of this research are first, Muhammadiyah's interpretation of state verses using the thematic tahlili cum maqasidi method; secondly, technically procedurally, the Muhammadiyah-style maqashidi interpretation model consists of five interpretation steps, namely; i) collect all verses relevant to the theme (language analysis and intratextuality methods); ii) tracing prophetic traditions or hadiths relevant to the verse (intertextuality method); iii) extract ethical values by determining various connections between relevant verses and their historical context and then connecting them dialectically with contextual hadith (intertextually); iv) determine dynamic maqashid based on the complexity of the current and contemporary context; and v), conceptualization


muhammadiyah; tafsir maqasidi; maqashid al-qur’an; ayat-ayat tentang konsep negara


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DOI: 10.24235/diyaafkar.v12i2.18831

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