Syekh Nurjati International Conference on Elementary Education is International Conference Series to discuss about new findings in elementary education, especially at primary/elementary schools. This conference is publishing original research articles and literature review focused on elementary education. The focus and scope of Syekh Nurjati International Conference on Elementary Education can be seen detailed in here.Â
Syekh Nurjati International Conference on Elementary Education is published by Department of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon in collaboration with Indonesian Islamic Elementary Education Lecturers Association (Perkumpulan Dosen PGMI Indonesia) and already have a registration number e-ISSN: 3031-7746.

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The 2nd Syekh Nurjati International Conference on Elementary Education | |
Posted: 2024-01-14 | More... |
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Vol 1 (2023): Proceedings The 1st Syekhnurjati International Conferences on Elementary Education
Table of Contents
Preface | |
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Peer Review Statement | |
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Independent Learning As A Strategic Effort To Build Student Character At The Primary Education Level | |
Uswatun Hasanah, Adi Wijayanto, Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Walid Datul Isna | 1-8 |
Family Resilience in Forming Children's Positive Emotions: Perspective of Islamic Educational Psychology | |
Kana Safrina Rouzi, Ni'mah Afifah | 9-15 |
The Importance of Ethical Learning Discipline Studied Based on Scientific Ethics for Students In Elementary School | |
Trio Erawati Siregar, Ummi Nur Rokhmah | 16-25 |
“It’s Exciting and Motivatingâ€: Pre-Service Teachers in Teaching English to Young Learners in Kurikulum Merdeka Implementation | |
Herman Khunaivi, Mohammad Luthfil Anshori, Syarifatul Fitri Hidayah | 26-37 |
The Importance of Mathematical Representation Ability for Elementary School Students: A Literature Review and Its Implications | |
Mimi Hariyani, Suherman Suherman, Melly Andriani, Herawati Herawati | 38-46 |
The Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) oriented Learning through Project Based Learning Model (PjBL) in Elementary Schools | |
Retno Nuzilatus Shoimah, Adib Fatoni | 47-54 |
Implementasi Filsafat Idealisme menurut Pestalozzi dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SD/MI | |
Luluk Mauluah | 55-64 |
The Effect of Self Control on Aggressive Behavior of Male Students in Five Class at Islamic Elementary School of Salafiyah, Cirebon City | |
Dwi Anita Alfiani, Shelly Rahmawati | 65-76 |
The Influence of Learning Media with Drill and Practice Model on Critical Thinking Skill of 5th Grade Student in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | |
Suci Muzfirah, Aan Yuliyanto, Safikri Taufiqurrahman | 77-85 |
Communicative Language Teaching in Enhancing Vocabulary for Young Leaners | |
Wili Astuti, Muhammad Khoirurrosyid | 86-94 |
Evaluation of Teachers Understanding of the Scientific Approach and Its Influence on Learning in Elementary Schools District Leuwiliang-Bogor | |
Siti Aisah, Ria Rizki Agustini, Willa Putri | 95-104 |
The challenges of Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teachers in Integrating the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Model in 21st Century Physical Education Learning at Islamic Elementary Schools (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) | |
Hasan Hasan, Nurkhafiva Nurkhafiva, Nurlaela Nurlaela | 105-111 |
Education Acceleration System (Acceleration) at Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School Yogyakarta | |
Agus Retnanto, Bahtiar Firdiasyah | 112-123 |
Evaluation of The Readiness of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers In The Implementation of The Kurikulum Merdeka | |
Kasmah Kasmah, Syarmadana Syarmadana, Harmida Harmida | 124-133 |
Analysis of Implementation of Independent Curriculum: Diagnostic Assessment and Differentiated Learning in Elementary Schools | |
Inggit Dyaning Wijayanti | 134-143 |
Development of Science Process Skill Assessment for Fifth-Grade Students in Pontianak City | |
Anisa Anisa, Anisa Tusapipah, Ayu Sarah Agustin, Utin Putri Sandy, Vidya Setyaningrum | 144-152 |
Implementation of Independent Curriculum in Learning Indonesian in Elementary School | |
Nursyaidah Nursyaidah, Yulia Eka Putri, Anita Angraini Lubis | 153-159 |
Roikhatul Janah, Kartini Kartini, Vidya Setyaningrum | 160-171 |
Contextualization of Fazlur Rahman's Thought Towards the Curriculum of Merdeka Belajar in Primary Education | |
Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan, Samsudin Samsudin, Rohmat Dwi Yunianta | 171-182 |
The Impact Of Handshake Habituation On Mutual Forgiveness And Respect Among Students | |
Oktio Frenki Biantoro, Nayirotul Fadhilah, Muhammad Istiqlal | 183-192 |
The Development of Students’ Academic Skills Through Guided Inquiry Model in Science Learning at Elementary School | |
Syamsudin Syamsudin | 193-204 |
The Marketing Strategy in Increasing The Student Quantity in Islamic Elementary School of Al-Ikhlas Kuningan | |
maman rusman, Darwis Mochammad Ibrahim | 205-215 |
Improving Understanding of Mathematical Concepts through Direct Learning Models for Elementary School Students | |
Shilfiyan Naharin, Husni Mubarok, Dian Mustika Anggraini | 216-223 |
Development Of School Culture Based on Islamic Moderation Value in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | |
Fita Mustafida, Muhammad Sulistiono, Abd. Gafur | 224-233 |
Implementation of the Community-Based Merdeka Curriculum in the Design (KOM) of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Operational Curriculum | |
suhelayanti suhelayanti, Chery Julida Panjaitan, Amiruddin Amiruddin, Syamsiah Z, Junaidi Junaidi | 234-244 |
Implementation of Behavioristic Counseling Guidance Model to Improve Student Behavior Discipline In Islamic Elementary Schools | |
Mareyke Jessy Tanod, Syarif Sumantri, Fasli Jalal | 245-252 |
Management Of A School Library As A Learning Center And Building A Sustainable Reading Interest: A Cases Study On MI Islamiyah | |
Moh Masnun, Siti Anisah, Syibli Maufur | 253-262 |
Implementation of The Independent Curriculum In The Post-Pandemic Period | |
Moh. Anang Abidin, Nur Nafisatul Fithriyah, Rofiqoh Nirwana, Wachyudi Achmad, Risalul Ummah | 263-276 |
Students’ Learning Difficulties in Learning Mathematics in View of Mathematical Resilience | |
Maya Nur Hanifah, Ulum Fatmahanik | 277-291 |
Implementation of Child-friendly Schools in Elementary Schools | |
Arsan Shanie, Hamdan Husein Batubara | 292-297 |
Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Factual Problems in Elementary School | |
Muammar Muammar, Megawati Megawati | 298-308 |
Pop-Up Book As a Media in Improving Learning Activity | |
Sugeng Kurniawan, Selvia Nelis, Fitri Indahwati | 309-319 |
Teachers' Perceptions in Educational Concepts (Study on Independent Learning Application at MIN 1 Mataram) | |
Aqodiah Aqodiah, Baiq Ida Astini, Niswatun Hasanah | 320-326 |
Development of HOTS-Based Student Worksheets in Science Subject to Improve High-Level Thinking Skills of Grade V MI Thowalib Students | |
amita agustina, Lathifah Nuraini, Fira Nadliratul Afrida | 327-330 |
Effectiveness of Using Projects with Somatic Auditory Visualization and Intellectual Approaches about Learning Mathematics | |
Lailla Hidayatul Amin, Alfian Eko Rochmawan, Ayu Wulandari | 331-336 |
Implementation of Cartoon Puppetry Learning Media on Student Interest in Grade 5 Arabic Language Teaching at MI Al-Hidayah GUPPI Kota Cirebon | |
Aceng Jaelani, Putri Kholifah | 337-345 |
The Effectiveness of Multimedia Powerpoint Based On iSpring Suit 9 On The Learning Outcomes of IPA Class IV Students MIS Al-Hidayah Kamarang Lebak | |
Yuriska Dewi Suwarno Putri, Arif Zaenal Arifin | 346-353 |
Strengthening the Student Profile of Rahmatan Lil'alamin in Merdeka Belajar Through Principal Policies at SD NU Sleman Yogyakarta | |
Aisyha Maulydia, Nindya Rachman Pranajati, Muhammad Asrofi | 361-372 |
Gender Differences in Science Inference skill on Elementary School | |
Nur Atikoh | 373-379 |
muhyani muhyani | 380-390 |
The Influence of the Reciprocal Teaching Model Using Pop-Up Book Media on the Reading Comprehension Ability of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students | |
Syahid Syahid, Ahmad Arifuddin, Dwi Anita Alfiani | 391-400 |
Smartphone Media Analysis in Differentiation Learning and Learning Time Management of Students in Schools | |
Alfian Eko Widodo Adi Prasetyo, Shinta Melia Khorimah | 401-410 |
An Analysis of Students’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Virtual Practicum of Science Learning for Prospective Islamic Elementary School Teachers | |
Nur Inayah Syar, Sulistyowati Sulistyowati, Rafika Duri, Nur Khoidah Ainul Yaqin | 411-417 |
Development of Android-based Learning Applications in Mathematic Learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Jayapura City | |
FAJAR DWI MUKTI | 418-427 |
Adi Wijayanto, Ernika Khusnaini | 428-439 |
Study Analysis of The Implementation of Socio-Cultural Literacy in Forming the Character of Religious Moderation in the Merdeka Curriculum for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | |
Elya Umi Hanik, Indriani Noor Agustin | 440-450 |
A Bibliometric Analysis: Development of Elementary School Research in 2019-2023: | |
Eliva Sukma Cipta, Usep Suherman, Neneng Sulastri, Agus Hendra, Ifah Khadijah, Mumung Mulyati, Ahmad Roziqin | 451-459 |
Students' Digital Literacy Skills Through Blended Learning: A Study in Elementary School | |
Idah Faridah Laily, Misbah Binasdevi | 460-466 |
Enhancing Students' Speaking Skills by Developing Interactive Video for Elementary School | |
Inayatul Ummah | 467-471 |
Primary Teacher Collaboration with the Study Guidance to Improve Understanding of Calistung in Primary School Students | |
Nakhma'ussolikhah Nakhma'ussolikhah, M. Iqbal Al-Ghazali, Sulkhah Sulkhah, Dewi Pranita Motik, Ficky Adi Kurniawan | 472-483 |
Synergy of Educators And Students In The Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project | |
Mikyal Hardiyati, Nasikhotun Nadiroh, Nurul Hidayah, Ani Ngaisah | 484-491 |
Exploring the Effect of Cultural Responsive Teaching and Brain-Based Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Different Learning Styles | |
Suhendi Suhendi, Yufiarti Yufiarti, Zulela M. S | 492-500 |