This issue has been available online since 30th October, 2022. All articles in this issue (15 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 48 authors from Indonesia.
Table of Contents
Exploring the Students' Reading, Writing, and Numeracy Skills in Southeast Maluku Regency Coastal Elementary Schools | |
Anasufi Banawi, Adam Latuconsina, Satiah Latuconsina | 252-264 |
The Effectiveness of Pop-Up-based Animation Book to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Elementary School Students | |
Liya Atika Anggrasari, Dian Permatasari Kusuma Dayu | 265-279 |
Online Learning and Scientific Literacy in Elementary Schools during the Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Salma Ihsani Fhilrizki, Wahyu Sopandi, Irfan Fauzi | 280-291 |
Improving the Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students through Problem Based Learning and Inquiry Models in Social Science Learning | |
Yuyun Dwi Haryanti, Sapriya Sapriya, Johar Permana, Erna Wulan Syaodih, Yeni Dwi Kurino | 292-304 |
The Antecedents and Consequences of Using Online Learning in Elementary School During a Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review | |
Atikah Syamsi, Patimah Patimah, Heru Mudiyanto | 305-318 |
The Influence of Principal's Motivation, Communication, and Parental Participation on Elementary School Teachers’ Performance | |
Framz Hardiansyah, Zainuddin Zainuddin | 319-334 |
Trends in Multicultural Education Publication Over a Four-Decade Period: A Bibliometric Review | |
Roni Rodiyana, Bunyamin Maftuh, Sapriya Sapriya, Ernawulan Syaodih, Davi Sofyan | 335-354 |
Strengthening Anticorruption Character at Elementary Schools in Indonesia: Study on Instructional Practices by In-Service Islamic Education Teachers | |
Abdul Kholiq | 355-370 |
Teacher’s Strategy in Improving Reading Comprehension Skills of Arabic Texts at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | |
Moh Masnun, Alvy Salmia Putri, Aceng Jaelani, Inayatul Ummah | 371-381 |
Changing the Concept of Prospective Primary Education Teachers through Ethnoscience-based Critical Thinking | |
Agus Mukti Wibowo | 382-391 |
The Effect of Out Class Learning Design on Students' Creative Thinking Ability in Social Studies Learning for Grade IV Elementary School Students | |
Siti Dewi Maharani, Azizah Husin, Marwan Pulungan | 392-401 |
Development of Digital Teaching Materials Based on Betawi Local Food to Increase Ecoliteracy in Elementary School Students | |
Niken Vioreza, Nana Supriatna, Kama Abdul Hakam | 402-416 |
Improving Prospective Basic Education Teachers' Capabilities on Digital Literacy: A Systematic Literature Review | |
Uswatun Hasanah, Sri Rahayu, Ade Ika Anggraini | 417-429 |
Development of Android-based "Pete" Educational Game to Improve Elementary School Student Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning | |
Nur Hidayah Hanifah, Muhammad Walid, Candra Avista Putri, Laila Nuriya Sinta, Dian Eka Aprilia Fitria Ningrum | 430-443 |
The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Assisted Scientific Approach to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Elementary School Students | |
Ahmad Arifuddin, Wahyudin Wahyudin, Sufyani Prabawanto, Muhamad Yasin, Desi Elizanti | 444-455 |
Students - Teachers Communication Patterns in Islamic Elementary Schools: Analyzing the Hierarchical Context of Standpoint’s Theory | |
Eti Nurhayati, Yayah Nurhidayah | 456-471 |