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Pre service biology teacher students are demanded to have skills of beeing a good facilitator in learning process. However, the student’s dependent on information delivered by the lecturer of avertebrate zoologi is still dominated. The learning process can be done with student centered one so they can achieve their self autonomy and responsibility to the task given. Besides, laboratory activities are still verificated, so that the character of the creative and scientific work of students is less explored. One of the alternatives learning model that can be applied to foster the skills of scientific work and creative character of student teachers are model of modified free inquiry. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of MFI models, to know the increase of creative character and skills of scientific work as well as responses biology student teachers after the implementation of MFI models. The method used is the method of quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest posttest design. Sampling techniques using cluster random sampling from the 3rd semester student population of 160 people was taken a sample of 40 people. Techniques of data collection is using tests, observation and questionnaire. Data analysis techniques to the analysis item (validity, reliability, level of difficulty), N-Gain, Hypothesis Tests, scoring the percentage of creativity and skills of scientific work. The results showed that the average value of the N-gain of 0.65 at medieval criteria. Based on the results obtained t test p value <0.05 was so effective MFI models to be applied. Creativity of students included in the criteria for an excellent 25%, good kriteia 57.5% and 17.5% enough and no student is low creativity. The average percentage of students' scientific work skills by 85.55% including the criteria very well. The percentage of student responses by 54% stronger and 46% criteria very strong criterion, the students gave positive responses to the implementation of MFI learning model.
Keyword : Modified Free Inquiry, Character Creativity, Scientific Working Skill
Mahasiswa calon guru biologi dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan menjadi fasilitator yang baik dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun ketergantungan mahasiswa terhadap informasi yang diberikan dosen pada pembelajaran zoologi avertebrata masih mendominasi. Proses pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan berpusat pada mahasiswa sehingga dapat dicapai kemandirian belajar dan mahasiswa lebih tanggungjawab terhadap tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen. Selain itu, dalam kegiatan praktikum zoologi avertebrata yang selama ini dilakukan masih bersifat verifikasi sehingga karakter kreatif dan kerja ilmiah mahasiswa kurang tergali.Salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan untuk menumbuhkan keterampilan kerja ilmiah dan karakter kreatif mahasiswa calon guru, yaitu model modified free inquiry. Tujuan Penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui efektivitas implementasi model modified free inquiry, mengetahui peningkatan karakter kreatif dan keterampilan kerja ilmiah, serta tanggapan mahasiswa calon guru biologi setelah implementasi model modified free inquiry. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group pretest postest design. Teknik sampling menggunakan cluster random sampling, dari populasi mahasiswa semester tiga, sebanyak 160 orang diambil sampel sebanyak 40 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, lembar observasi dan angket.Teknik analisis data dengan melakukan analisis butir soal (uji validitas,reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran), N-Gain, Uji hipotesis, skoring persentase kreativitas dan keterampilan kerja ilmiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata N-gain sebesar 0,65 dengan kriteria sedang. Berdasarkan uji t diperoleh hasil p value < 0,005 sehingga model modified free inquiry efektif untuk diterapkan. Kreativitas mahasiswa yang termasuk dalam kriteria sangat baik 25%, kriteria baik 57,50 % dan Cukup 17,50 % dan tidak ada siswa yang kreativitasnya yang masuk kriteria rendah. Persentase rata-rata keterampilan kerja ilmiah mahasiswa sebesar 85,55 % termasuk kriteria sangat baik. Persentase tanggapan mahasiswa sebesar 54 % kriteria kuat dan 46% kriteria sangat kuat, mahasiswa memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap implementasi model pembelajaran modified free inquiry.
Kata kunci: Modified Free Inquiry, Karakter Kreatif, Keterampilan Kerja Ilmiah
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DOI: 10.24235/holistik.v1i2.1118
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