Table of Contents
Geographical Inquiry with Geospatial Virtual Panoramic: Can Improve the Spatial Skills of Geography Students? | PDF 153-166 |
Bayu Dwi Saputro, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Lestari Rahayu |
Development of Motion Graphics As Social Studies Learning Media on Indische Partij Material | PDF 167-185 |
Miftakhul Umi Nadziru, Agung Wiradimadja |
Analysis of Factors in Improving The Competitiveness of Small And Medium Industries of Songket Cloth Traditional Weaving | PDF 186-196 |
Yudha Agil Prasetya Effendi, Deassy Apriani |
The Facilitators’ Team Learning Behaviour in Enabling Women Spiritual Empowerment | PDF 197-216 |
Adi Suryani, Moh. Saifulloh, Kartika Nuswantara, Wahyuddin Wahyuddin, Siti Zahrok, Zainul Muhibbin, Soedarso Soedarso |
The Essence of Building National Integration Values Through Civility Education Courses of PPKN | PDF 217-228 |
Priazki Hajri |
Factors Influencing Poverty in The Province of North Maluku | PDF 229-239 |
Askal Samiudin |
Professional Competence of Social-Science Teachers Through an Integrated Literacy Program in Encouraging Students' Interest in Reading | PDF 240-256 |
Aqda Al Murobby, Azharotunnafi Azharotunnafi |
Internalization of Local Wisdom Values In Social Science Learning to Form Students' Character | PDF 257-269 |
Aris Aris, Apriyanda Kusuma Wijaya |
Social Science Learning in Primary School Responding to The Challenges Of 21st Century Education | PDF 270-282 |
Esty Setyo Utaminingsih |
The Influence of Economic Growth, Inter-Regional Disparities and Absorbed Labor on Welfare | PDF 283-300 |
Ulfia Rachmah, Dita Fadhila, Ropini Amelia, Maya Panorama |
Creative Economy-Based MSMEs Chips Development Model from Maqashid Sharia Perspective | PDF 301-319 |
Arsiah Dwi Cintana, Rahmat Daim Harahap, Purnama Ramadani Silalahi |
The impact of the price of gold on the profitability of the Indonesian Sharia Bank and its impact on the economic well-being of the people | PDF 320-333 |
Suhairi Ritonga, Marliyah Marliyah, Aqwa Naser Daulay |
Analysis of Factors Influence The Public in Purchasing Gayo Coffee with Lifestyle as an Intervening Variable | PDF 334-353 |
Silvia Br Nainggolan, Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap, Siti Aisyah |
Analysis The Use of Shopee Paylater on Student Purchasing Power From the Maslahah Perspective | PDF 354-365 |
Siti Anisa Simamora, Tuti Anggraini, Purnama Ramadani Silalahi |
The Influence of Public Elementary School Teachers' Authority on Students' Character | PDF 366-377 |
Dina Maharani, Azizah Hanum OK |