Umma Farida(1*), Mitatun Nuzulia(2),

(1) IAIN Kudus
(2) IAIN Kudus
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to explore information and identify the manuscript of Tafsir Jalalain by Kiai Sahid located in Tayu, Pati, Central Java by emphasizing the study of writing techniques (rasm) and reading (qira'at). This study conducted a literature study (library research) using a philological approach and analyzed using content analysis technique in a critical descriptive manner. The study results found that the manuscript copy of Tafsir Jalalain was written by Kiai Sahid. The interpretation of verses in the Javanese language by Kiai Sahid to the manuscript of Tafsir Jalalain was carried out in 1966 as a learning medium for students at Islamic boarding schools. The writing technique (rasm) used in this manuscript. The rasm used by Kiai Sahid in writing the manuscript of Tafsir Jalalain uses a dictation writing technique (rasm imla'i). Meanwhile, the reading technique (qira'at) used in this manuscript is the qira'at of Imam Ashim narrated by Imam Hafs as the qira'at that is popular and widely used in Indonesian society. In addition, the manuscript of Tafsir Jalalain by Kiai Sahid is different from the book of Tafsir Jalalain by Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuthi and Jalaluddin al-Mahalli in terms of its physical condition, from the aspects of binding, sheets, and pages of the manuscript, the number of lines per page and page numbering, the size of the manuscript and writing, illumination, language, script, and type of calligraphy, the color of the writing, rasm, qira'at, and scholia.


Manuscript, Interpretation, Rasm, Qira'at


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DOI: 10.24235/diyaafkar.v12i2.18703

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