Man is the Measure of All Things: Marcuse and Rawls on Human Nature
(1) Waseda University
(*) Corresponding Author
In the development of post-war philosophy, the thought of the Frankfurt School thinkers has been seminal in pushing the boundaries of the discipline. One of these thinkers include Herbert Marcuse (1898 – 1979). Consequently, in the realm of moral and political philosophy, the post-war philosophy that was plagued by the interlocking clash between the consequence-based utilitarian theories and duty-based Kantian theories has found its new ground in Rawlsian liberalism, spearheaded by John Rawls (1921 – 2002). Using qualitative textual data found in the most important works of both philosophers, this paper would explore the ways in which Marcuse’s ideas have influenced Rawls in his outlook on human nature. Examined through the framework of secularization outlined by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (1931 –), the direction of influence has also intensified the process of “deconsecration of values,†hence characterizing a more secular worldview.
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DOI: 10.24235/jy.v10i2.18064
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