A Survey on Machine learning and IoT

  • Inkreswari Retno Hardini Institut Teknologi Bandung
Keywords: Internet of Things, Machine learning, IoT components, IoT architecture, Machine learning algorithm, Machine learning technique.


Internet of Things is an intelligence devices that can connect to any other devices. Based on that ability to connect and its intelligence, it makes people to create an intelligence device and capable to learn like human brain. To accomplish that goal, machine learning is the solution. Combination between machine learning and IoT generate a revolution in human life and application industry. The combination also generate new trend in market. Therefore, in this paper will be discuss about machine learning including machine learning technique and algorithm and also discuss about IoT including architecture and elements. Then in this paper will discuss about some researches that have already done that combine IoT with machine learning approach, including issue and challenge in those researches.


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How to Cite
Hardini, I. R. (2019). A Survey on Machine learning and IoT. ITEJ (Information Technology Engineering Journals), 4(2), 99 - 113. https://doi.org/10.24235/itej.v4i2.51