AI-Driven Urban Planning: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability in Smart Cities

  • Thomas Hadiyana Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Seo Ji-hoon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Keywords: AI-driven urban planning, Smart cities, Efficiency optimization, Sustainability


Urban planning in smart cities is increasingly leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance efficiency and sustainability. This article explores the integration of AI-driven technologies to optimize various aspects of urban development and management. Smart cities are characterized by their use of advanced technologies to improve quality of life, resource management, and infrastructure efficiency. Traditional urban planning methods often face challenges in adapting to rapid urbanization and dynamic environmental changes. AI presents opportunities to address these challenges by providing data-driven insights and predictive capabilities. This research employs a case study approach, analyzing the implementation of AI in urban planning processes across several smart cities globally. Key methodologies include data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and predictive modeling techniques applied to diverse urban datasets. The study evaluates how AI-driven decision support systems aid in infrastructure planning, traffic management, energy consumption optimization, and environmental sustainability. The findings demonstrate that AI-enabled urban planning significantly enhances efficiency and sustainability in smart cities. AI algorithms optimize traffic flow, reduce energy consumption through predictive maintenance of infrastructure, and facilitate adaptive urban design based on real-time data analytics. Moreover, AI-driven approaches improve decision-making processes by providing stakeholders with actionable insights for informed policy formulation and resource allocation. This article contributes to the evolving field of smart city technologies by showcasing the transformative potential of AI in urban planning. By harnessing AI capabilities, cities can effectively address complex urban challenges and pave the way for more resilient and sustainable urban environments.


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How to Cite
Hadiyana, T., & Ji-hoon, S. (2024). AI-Driven Urban Planning: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability in Smart Cities. ITEJ (Information Technology Engineering Journals), 9(1), 23 - 35.