(1) IAIN Syekh Nurjati
(*) Corresponding Author
Coaching and a good school leadership should be able to seek the teacher's performance PAI through education personnel capacity building program. Therefore, the principal must have the personality and the ability and skills to lead educational institutions. The method used quantitative methods. Based on the properties of the problem, this research is correlational research. Population research PAI principals and teachers in Subang district SMA 60 people.The questionnaire results coaching principals: program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and follow-up = 2.19%, related competencies of school leadership personality = 2.28% = 2.37% managerial, entrepreneurial = 2.40%, supervision = 2.40%, social = 2.36%. The results of Pearson correlation calculation RX,Y = 0.621 and two variable regression equation: Y = 197.029 + 0,018X ,. 0,018 positive value on the regression coefficient of the influence of coaching principals on teacher performance PAI is positive, and the performance of teachers PAI 0,018 or 36%. RX2Y Pearson correlation = 0.759 and two variable regression equation: Y = 158.271 + 0,211X2. A positive value 0,211 regression coefficient of the influence of school leadership to positive PAI teacher performance, and the performance of teachers PAI 0,211 or 40%. Pearson correlation RX1, X2 = 0.183 and multiple regression calculation on teacher performance PAI on coaching, leadership jointly obtained arch regression B = 0.014, B = 0.225 and the constant a = 139 906. Thus influence the regression equation Y = 139.906 + 0,014X1 + 0,225X2. PAI teacher's performance on development, school leadership is 0,014 / 1.4%, and 0,225 or 22.5%.
Pembinaan dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang baik harus dapat mengupayakan kinerja guru PAI melalui program pembinaan kemampuan tenaga kependidikan.Oleh karena itu kepala sekolah harus mempunyai kepribadian dan kemampuan serta keterampilan memimpin lembaga pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan metode kuantitatif. Berdasarkan atas sifat-sifat masalahnya, maka penelitian ini merupakan correlational research. Populasi penelitiannya kepala sekolah dan guru PAI di SMA Kabupaten Subang sebanyak 60 orang. Hasil angket pembinaan kepala sekolah: perencanaan program, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi, dan tindak lanjut=2,19%, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berkaitan kompetensi kepribadian=2,28%, manajerial=2,37%, kewirausahaan=2,40%, supervise=2,40%, social =2,36%. Adapun guru PAI: kompetensi pedagogik =2,44%, professional =2,42%, kepribadian=2,41%. Social= 2,12%. Hasil perhitungan korelasi pearson RX,Y=0,621 dan regresi kedua variabel persamaannya: Y=197,029+0,018X,. Nilai positif 0,018 pada koefisien regresi adanya pengaruh pembinaan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru PAI adalah positif, dan kinerja guru PAI 0,018 atau 36%. Korelasi Pearson RX2Y=0,759dan regresi kedua variabel persamaannya:Y=158,271+0,211X2. Nilai positif 0,211 koefisien regresi adanya pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru PAI positif, dan kinerja guru PAI 0,211 atau 40%. Korelasi Pearson RX1,X2= 0,183 dan perhitungan regresi ganda terhadap kinerja guru PAI atas pembinaan, kepemimpinan secara bersama-sama didapatkan arch regresi B= 0,014, dan B = 0,225 serta konstanta a=139.906. Dengan demikian pengaruhnya persamaan regresi Y=139,906+0,014X1+0,225X2. Kinerja guru PAI atas pembinaan, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah adalah 0,014/1,4%, dan 0,225 atau sebesar 22.5%.
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DOI: 10.24235/oasis.v3i1.1768
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