Muhamad Mukhtar Zaedin(1*),

(1) Rumah Budaya Pasambangan Jati
(*) Corresponding Author



The paper discusses one ancient manuscript stored by the Rumah Budaya Pasambangan Jati; Wahosan Bujang Genjong. Manuscript in the form of the tembang macapat tells about the figure of Bujang Genjong and Rara Gonjeng who in love. The requirement of "understanding of true knowledge" to apply for the young woman to propose the girl, in fact bringing him deeper into the nature of Sufism. In this text, Bujang Genjong is very excited to get something make him pride. The textual representation of the adventures of the youth in the pursuit of ilmu manunggal further refers to an image of the risks and responsibilities that must be borne by everyone to achieve his happiness. Culturally, what can be seen from the content of this manuscript is a culture of pre-marriage which, when viewed from the side of the prospective wife, can draw conclusions about the capacity and sincerity of her future husband. And from the prospective husband, forming the ability and fortitude to the ways and stages that must be lived and championed.

Keywords: manuscript, tasawwuf, ilmu sejati, unity (kemanunggalan)

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DOI: 10.24235/tamaddun.v5i2.2103

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