Al-Fariq Ad-Dini Asy-Syababi As-Suri: Kristalisasi Sejarah Panjang Kebijakan Keagamaan Suriah dan Perannya Pasca Perang Sipil Suriah

Gumilar Irfanullah(1*), Dewi Anggraeni(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The ongoing Syrian conflict since 2011 has not only been triggered by political and economic dynamics, but also by religious discourse and sectarianism that exacerbate social tensions. Exclusive and sectarian religious discourse has become one of the main factors in the escalation of the conflict, triggering societal polarization and inter-group violence. This study aims to analyze the influence of religious discourse and sectarianism on the conflict in Syria and explore the government’s strategies in tackling religious extremism. The results show that the Syrian government has launched various programs to counter extreme ideologies and promote religious moderation, including the establishment of Youth Religious Groups in 2016 and the Sham International Islamic Center in 2019.  Youth Religious Groups play an important role in spreading the values of tolerance and inclusiveness through cross-mazhab education, utilization of social media, and collaboration between generations of scholars. This strategy is in line with the government’s religious reform agenda to reduce sectarianism and encourage more constructive religious dialogue. This research concludes that the synergy between the government, religious organizations, and the younger generation is key in tackling extremism and building peace in Syria. The utilization of digital technology by Youth Religious Groups is an effective tool in spreading the discourse of religious moderation, which contributes to post-conflict social recovery efforts.


Government Strategy, Religious Moderation, Youth Religious Groups

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DOI: 10.24235/tamaddun.v12i2.18982

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