Relations of the Scientific Sanad K.H Muhammad Syafi'i Hadzami (1931-2006) with the Alawiyah Sanad in Jakarta
(1) Universitas Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
This study explains the history of the scientific sanad relations of K.H.M. Syafi'i Hadzami (1931-2006) with the Alawiyah congregation in Jakarta. This study also describes the process, the relationship between the Sanad of the Alawiyah order and the scientific sanad of K.H.M. Shafi'i Hadzami. This research is useful as a treasure, a source of intellectual reference in the Islamic world. The purpose of this research is to introduce K.H.M. Syafi'i Hadzami, who has a relationship from his scientific sanad with the mu'tabarah orders in Indonesia, especially in the Jakarta area, the Alawiyah order. The research method used in this paper is a research library, equipped with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques by collecting data or materials from secondary data sources. Sources of secondary data in this study were obtained from interviews with children of K.H.M. Syafi'i Hadzami, as well as those related to the discussion and problems in the research object. The conclusion of this study is the finding of processes and relationships between scientific sanad owned by K.H.M. Syafi'i Hadzami who comes from the Alawiyah order.
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DOI: 10.24235/tamaddun.v12i1.14785
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