Teachers' Perceptions in Educational Concepts (Study on Independent Learning Application at MIN 1 Mataram)

Aqodiah Aqodiah(1*), Baiq Ida Astini(2), Niswatun Hasanah(3),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This study's goal was to describe how elementary school instructors felt about the autonomous curriculum's implementation. This study is qualitative in nature. Research that examines and comprehends the significance of numerous individuals or groups of individuals resulting from social problems is known as qualitative research. The respondents are primary school teachers. interviewing people in order to gather information. The primary research tool is the researcher, supplemented by field notes. All data is obtained and descriptively evaluated in order to produce accurate and precise findings. The study's findings indicate that: (1) The Independent Curriculum is being implemented in elementary schools, and teachers seem to like it; (2) Success in implementing the curriculum is greatly influenced by the teacher's intensity in doing so in the classroom. Teachers have a significant part in the process of establishing and implementing curriculum in school foundation; (3) To enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes, the teacher has strong ability to create, implement, and design lesson; (4) With relation to creating Pancasila student profiles in particular, Bimtek socializing and training have not been fully utilized; (5) Some elementary school instructors are not using the Independent Curriculum, (6) not all teachers have IT skills, and (7) Due to unstable internet access, especially for users linked to the Merdeka Curriculum platform, there are restrictions on how the Merdeka Curriculum can be implemented.

Keywords: Teacher's perception, independent curriculum implementation, elementary school.

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DOI: 10.24235/sicee.v1i0.14626

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