Communicative Language Teaching in Enhancing Vocabulary for Young Leaners

Wili Astuti(1*), Muhammad Khoirurrosyid(2),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus
(*) Corresponding Author


Teaching young students is very difficult compared to teaching teenagers or adults because young students are very quickly distracted. As a means of communication, language plays a central role in improving students' mental, social and enthusiasm in the teaching and learning process. Children love to have fun and play, so teachers must choose teaching methods that are in accordance with the nature of children. This study aims to describe and explain about communicative language teaching in improving early childhood vocabulary. Literature study is the research method used in this research. Literature studies, both in the form of books, notes, and reports of previous research results are materials used for the research process. The results of this analysis are children aged five to seven years old who are considered to be at the beginner school level, children need to be exposed to their language and culture from an early age in order to grow up with tolerance and understanding of others, the purpose of language teaching is to teach communicative competence, applying grammatical competence in communication, planning vocabulary teaching in a conventional English course, we should start by deciding and narrowing down what words to focus on, Communicative language teaching emphasizes implicit (or incidental) learning of words: students are expected to infer the meaning of new words by using context as a clue and avoiding the use of bilingual dictionaries, games or play are effective tools for teaching vocabulary to young learners.

Keywords: language, communicative, vocabulary, early childhood

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DOI: 10.24235/sicee.v1i0.14595

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