The Development of Students’ Academic Skills Through Guided Inquiry Model in Science Learning at Elementary School
(1) STAI Al-Fithrah Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author
Abstract: One of the most important life skills that must be taught to students is an academic skill. Academic skill is basically to develop the general thinking skills that is called scientific thinking ability. Academic skill in science learning is very important to be taught because science is obtained from the process of discovery and scientific study. The purpose of this study is to describe a guided inquiry learning model that trains students' academic skills in learning science. This study uses library research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The result of this study shows that the implementation of guided inquiry learning allows students to find ideas. It gets from their experience in learning based on constructivism learning theory, student activities, and understanding concepts by themselves, so that science learning is more meaningful. This affects students' academic skills because, through the discovery process, students are actively involved in asking questions and looking for answers. Students are trained to formulate problems, make hypotheses, determine experimental variables, make experimental designs, analyze experimental data, and make conclusions. Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that the guided inquiry learning model in science learning can be used to train students' academic skills in elementary school.
Keywords: academic skills, science learning, guided inquiry learning model
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DOI: 10.24235/sicee.v1i0.14573
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