(1) Fakultas Syariah dan EKonomi Islam IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
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Sharia reform is controversial discourse. In addition to a number of thinkers who carry and support it, there are many who deny and ban its dissemination. The discourse in question includes: is it possible for sharia to be reformed? How to reform? To what extent Islamic products produced have the validity and authority recognized as normative in the Islamic legal perspective. This paper is not to answer or give an explanation of those questions, but to search the argument of a Sudanese prominent Islamic thinker, the bearer of the idea of reforming the sharia. He is Mahmud Mohammed Taha. In this paper, I prefer to position myself as one who wants to ask for confirmation of his thought, especially with regard to the argument about the concept of naskh and its relationship with the reform of Islamic sharia towards more humane sharia. The questions are, how far the conceptual framework of Taha arguments in establishing the idea? Dose the argument have a strong theoretical basis in the scientific tradition of fiqh (usul al-fiqh), and also how is it relevant and significant to reform the Sharia?
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DOI: 10.24235/mahkamah.v1i1.563
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