Bagaimana Penanaman Nilai Moral Anak Usia Dini Dengan Metode Amanah?

Suci Aulia Sari(1), Elfiadi Elfiadi(2*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Instilling moral values with the application of the trust method in group B children can make children have good moral values from an early age.  This study aims to determine: 1) the application of the Amanah method in instilling moral values in group B children at RA Ukhtani, 2) moral values applied to group B children in RA Ukhtani through the Amanah method, and 3) factors that can influence the application of the method.  trustworthiness in inculcating moral values in group B children at RA Ukhtani, and 4) developing moral values in group B children by applying the Amanah method at RA Ukhtani.  This research uses a qualitative approach and this type of research uses a phenomenological study.  The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation.  The data analysis techniques used in this research are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.  The results of this study indicate that 1) the application of the Amanah method in inculcating moral values in group B children at RA Ukhtani, namely a) introducing character images in front of the class.  b) the teacher explains the meaning of the pictures in the classroom.  c) the child takes the card home.  d) the next day the child returns the card.  e) the child tells the activity from the contents of the card.  f) the teacher gives an assessment.  g) the teacher gives an award.  2) the moral values applied to the children of group B in RA Ukhtani through the method of trust, namely the nature of trust, responsibility, discipline, honesty, and courtesy.  3) factors that can influence the application of the Amanah method in inculcating moral values in group B children at RA Ukhtani are parental attention and the environment.  4) the development of moral values owned by children in group B by applying the mandated method at RA Ukhtani are those who previously did not have noble behavior such as respect, independence, care, order, cooperation, maintaining cleanliness, helping, friendly, peace-loving, humble, independent  .  and can not complete the task well, now has a noble behavior and can complete the task well


Moral Values, Amanah Method

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DOI: 10.24235/awlady.v9i1.11633

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