Physical Facilities, Guest Relations Programs, Clinical Quality Assurance sebagai Variabel Patient Satisfaction menuju Patient Loyalty
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Lima kriteria penentu kualitas jasa pelayanan yaitu reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, dan tangible dalam hubungannya dengan kepuasan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba menggunakan tiga variabel yang diungkapkan oleh Fish T. A, C. J Brown, K. Cannizaro dan B. Naftal yaitu physical facilities, guest relations programs dan clinical quality assurance sebagai variabel penentu patient satisfaction.
Physical facilities, guest relations programs dan clinical quality assurance secara bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh yang berarti terhadap kepuasan pengguna jasa pelayanan rawat inap pada Rumah Sakit Pertamina Cilacap yang dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan yang menunjukkan bahwa F hitung sebesar 103,7197 lebih besar dari F tabel sebesar 2,7253. 78,35 persen tingkat kepuasan yang diperoleh pengguna pelayanan jasa rawat inap pada Rumah Sakit pertamina Cilacap dipengaruhi oleh variable-variabel diatas, sedangkan pengaruh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti terhadap kepuasan pengguna pelayanan jasa rawat inap pada rumah sakit Pertamina Cilacap adalah sebesar 46,53 persen. Â
Guest relations programs secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh paling besar terhadap tingkat kepuasan pengguna jasa pelayanan rawat inap pada Rumah Sakit Pertamina Cilacap yang dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan yang menunjukkan bahwa koefisien jalur untuk guest relations programs sebesar 0,4298 lebih besar dibandingkan dengan koefisien jalur untuk physical facilities sebesar 0,2847 dan clinical quality assurance sebesar 0,3403. Secara ekonomi dapat diartikan bahwa guest relations programs yang diperoleh pengguna pelayanan jasa secara langsung akan dapat berpengaruh pada kepuasan pasien sebesar 18,47 persen sedangkan pengaruh melalui hubungannya dengan physical facilities sebesar 7,82 persen dan pengaruh melalui hubungannya dengan clinical quality assurance sebesar 7,25 persen sehingga total guest relations programs akan dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pengguna pelayanan jasa rawat inap sebesar 33,54 persen.   Â
Kata kunci: Â Â physical facilities, guest relations programs, clinical quality assurance
Five criteria of service quality determinants are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible in relation to satisfaction. In this study the author tries to use three variables expressed by Fish T. A, C. J Brown, K. Cannizaro and B. Naftal are physical facilities, guest relations programs and clinical quality assurance as variable determinant of patient satisfaction.
Physical facilities, guest relations programs and clinical quality assurance jointly have a significant influence on the satisfaction of users of inpatient services at Pertamina Hospital Cilacap as evidenced by the results of calculations that show that F arithmetic of 103.7197 is greater than F table of 2.7253. 78,35 percent satisfaction level obtained by user of inpatient service at Pertamina Hospital of Cilacap influenced by the above variables, while the influence of other variable not examined to the satisfaction of user of service of inpatient at Pertamina hospital of Cilacap is equal to 46,53 percent.
Guest relations programs partially have the most influence on the level of satisfaction of inpatient service users at Pertamina Hospital Cilacap as evidenced by the results of calculations indicating that the path coefficient for guest relations programs of 0.4298 is greater than the path coefficient for physical facilities of 0.2847 and clinical quality assurance of 0.3403. Economically, it can be interpreted that guest relations programs obtained by service users will directly affect the patient satisfaction of 18.47 percent while the influence through its relationship with physical facilities of 7.82 percent and the influence through its relationship with clinical quality assurance of 7.25 Percent so that total guest relations programs will be able to affect the user satisfaction rate of inpatient services by 33.54 percent.
Key words: physical facilities, guest relations programs, clinical
Quality assurance
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DOI: 10.24235/amwal.v9i2.1832
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