Inayatul Ummah(1*),

(1) (Scopus ID: 57216223455; h-index:0) IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
(*) Corresponding Author


Writing is often associated with a child's creativity. In this study, creativity was assessed using TCT-DP (The Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production) where students were asked to continue drawing the available patterns. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between students who are able to continue drawing patterns by writing narrative text well. This research was conducted in one of the SDN Citangkil District with a population of 2 classes totaling 88 students. The method used in this research is correlational descriptive. In this study, data from the creative thinking test uses 11 out of 14 criteria, namely: continuations, completion, new elements, the connection made with a line, the connection made to produce a theme, boundary-breaking that is fragment dependent, boundary-breaking that is fragment independent. , perspective, humor, and affectivity, unconventionally, and speed. These criteria are translated through scores of 1-3. The results showed that there was a relationship between students who had the ability to think creatively and write good narrative texts.

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DOI: 10.24235/ath.v31i1.8311

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