REVALUASI KONSEPSI TAKWA DALAM AL-QUR’AN: Pembentukan Tindakan Melalui Penekanan atas Ancaman

Mahbub Ghozali(1*),

(1) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The concept of piety as portrayed in the Qur'an, centered around the fear of divine consequences, lacks relevance within the context of da'wah. This study seeks to reevaluate the understanding of piety's significance. Employing a qualitative approach with content analysis, the research discerns that the term ittaqū, used in Qur'anic verses, addresses ethical, legal, and theological dimensions. This term serves as a directive for behavior to shield against divine retribution. The variation in themes mirrors the stages of the Prophet's da'wah, with discernible shifts between the periods of Makkah and Medina. This suggests an evolution in how protective measures and threats are articulated, underscoring the necessity of actions safeguarding humanity.


fear of God, da’wah, tartīb an-nuzūl

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DOI: 10.24235/diyaafkar.v11i02.15547

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